Ori Fur I Norge

Together, we can create a brighter future for those in need.

Join us in our mission to support DarFur people in need, preserve their unique culture, and provide vital humanitarian aid.

Our services

Emergency Relief

Providing urgent aid, such as food, water, shelter, and medical care, to those in displacement camps who are in dire need.

Fur Trip is dedicated to providing emergency relief to those in displacement camps who are in dire need. We understand that the DARFur people living in Sudan and in refugee camps face significant challenges, including displacement, violence, and cultural assimilation. We believe that it is our responsibility to provide urgent aid to those who are most in need.

Our emergency relief efforts include providing essential supplies such as food, water, shelter, and medical care to those in displacement camps. We work closely with local organizations and community leaders to identify those who are most in need and to ensure that our aid reaches those who need it most.

We understand that emergency relief efforts are essential to helping those in displacement camps survive and thrive in the face of significant challenges. Our team of dedicated volunteers and supporters work tirelessly to provide urgent aid to those who are most in need.

We believe that every person deserves access to basic necessities such as food, water, and shelter. That is why we are committed to providing emergency relief to those in displacement camps who are in dire need. Our goal is to ensure that everyone has access to the resources they need to survive and thrive, even in the face of significant challenges.

If you would like to support our emergency relief efforts, you can make a donation on our website. Your donation will go directly towards providing essential supplies to those in displacement camps who are in dire need. We believe that together, we can make a difference in the lives of those who are most in need. Thank you for your support.

Education and Training

Supporting access to education, vocational training, and entrepreneurship opportunities to help the Fur community gain financial stability.

Ori Fur is a non-governmental and non-profit association committed to providing access to education and training for the Fur community living in displacement and refugee camps. We believe that education and training are essential to helping individuals gain financial stability and improve their quality of life.

Our education and training programs include building schools and providing school equipment to ensure that children in displacement and refugee camps have access to education. We also offer vocational training programs to help individuals develop the skills they need to succeed in industries such as agriculture, construction, and tailoring. Additionally, we provide entrepreneurship opportunities to help individuals start and grow their own businesses.

Our goal is to provide members of the Fur community with the resources they need to succeed in today's economy, even in the face of displacement and other challenges. We believe that access to education, vocational training, and entrepreneurship opportunities is essential to achieving this goal.

If you would like to support our education and training programs, you can make a donation on our website. Your donation will go directly towards supporting access to education and training for the Fur community in displacement and refugee camps. We believe that together, we can make a difference in the lives of those who are most in need. Thank you for your support.

Learn more

Cultural Preservation

Promoting and preserving the unique culture and traditions of the Fur people by organizing cultural events, festivals, and activities that support the Fur identity.

In addition to preserving the cultural heritage of the Fur people, organizing cultural events and festivals can also have significant economic benefits. By attracting visitors and tourists, these events can stimulate local businesses, create job opportunities, and boost the overall economy.

Furthermore, organizing cultural events and activities can help promote social cohesion and community development. By bringing people together to celebrate their cultural heritage, these events can foster a sense of belonging and strengthen social bonds. They can also provide opportunities for people to connect with others who share their cultural background and values, and to build relationships across different communities

promoting and preserving the unique culture and traditions of the Fur people is a multifaceted undertaking that can have wide-ranging benefits. By organizing cultural events and activities that support the Fur identity, individuals and organizations can contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage, support local economies, promote social cohesion and community development, and foster understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity.

Organizing cultural events and festivals that support the Fur identity also helps to ensure that the cultural heritage of the Fur people is not lost or forgotten. As cultures evolve and change over time, there is a risk that traditional practices and customs may be lost or forgotten, particularly among younger generations who may not have had the opportunity to learn about their cultural heritage.

By organizing cultural events and festivals, individuals and organizations can help to keep these traditions and practices alive, ensuring that they are passed down from generation to generation. This is particularly important for smaller cultural groups, such as the Fur people, who may be at risk of losing their unique identity and heritage in the face of globalization and cultural homogenization.

Overall, organizing cultural events, festivals, and activities that support the Fur identity is an important undertaking that has many benefits, including preserving cultural heritage, stimulating local economies, promoting social cohesion and community development, and fostering understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity. It is a vital part of ensuring that the unique identity and traditions of the Fur people are celebrated and preserved for future generations.


I've been fortunate enough to be able to support the work of the Ori Fur non-profit association. Their commitment to preserving the culture and supporting the members of the Fur community is admirable. The humanitarian aid and assistance provided to those in need is invaluable and I'm proud to be associated with them.


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