Ori Fur I Norge


Ori Fur I Norge is a non-governmental, non-profit association dedicated to promoting and protecting the Fur community in Norway. We work both inside and outside Norway to provide humanitarian aid to the Fur people living in Sudan and in refugee camps. We are committed to preserving Fur culture and providing support and assistance to the Fur community. Our humanitarian aid includes food, water, shelter, and medical care to those in displacement camps. We strive to ensure that the Fur people have access to the resources and opportunities they need to thrive. One of the main goals of the association is to raise awareness of the situation faced by the Fur people in Sudan and in refugee camps. The association works to educate the public about the challenges faced by the Fur people, including displacement, violence, and cultural assimilation. By raising awareness of these issues, the association is helping to mobilise support for the Fur people and to advocate for their rights. Also to foster a sense of community among the Fur people living in Norway. The website provides a platform for members to share their stories and connect with others who share similar experiences. This community-building aspect of the website is particularly important for immigrants who may feel isolated or disconnected from their culture in a new country. In addition to its humanitarian efforts, the association also works to promote and preserve Fur culture. This includes organising cultural events and activities inside Norway to celebrate and showcase the unique aspects of Fur culture. including history, language, food, and customs.The website also features a forum where members can discuss various topics related to their culture and share their experiences of living in Norway

By promoting Fur culture, the association is helping to ensure that this important part of Sudanese heritage is not lost in the midst of conflict and displacement. In addition to promoting and preserving Fur culture,The association serves as a resource for community members who may be struggling with immigration-related issues, such as language barriers, employment, and housing. The site provides information about various organisations and resources that may be useful to immigrants in Norway The association operates through a network of volunteers and supporters, inside Norway. It relies on donations and fundraising efforts to support its programs and initiatives. The website serves as a platform for the association to communicate with its supporters and to provide information about its activities and programs. Overall, the Ori Fur Association Norway is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about the Fur community in Norway. The association's programs and initiatives are focused on promoting and preserving Fur culture while also providing support and assistance to members of the community. The website is well-designed and user-friendly, and it provides a wealth of information about the association's mission and programs. By working to promote and support the Fur community in Norway, the association is helping to ensure that this unique and vibrant culture continues to thrive for generations to come.

I've been fortunate enough to be able to support the work of the Ori Fur non-profit association. Their commitment to preserving the culture and supporting the members of the Fur community is admirable. The humanitarian aid and assistance provided to those in need is invaluable and I'm proud to be associated with them.


About Us

Be the change you want to see in the world by supporting our organization

Our Mission

Our goal is to provide members of the Fur community with the resources they need to succeed in today's economy, even in the face of displacement and other challenges. We believe that access to education, vocational training, and entrepreneurship opportunities is essential to achieving this goal.

Our Vision

organizing cultural events, festivals, and activities that support the Fur identity is an important undertaking that has many benefits, including preserving cultural heritage, stimulating local economies, promoting social cohesion and community development, and fostering understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity. It is a vital part of ensuring that the unique identity and traditions of the Fur people are celebrated and preserved for future generations.
