Ori Fur I Norge

Helping Fur People in Need, Preserving Fur Culture & Providing Humanitarian Aid

protect our culture protect our generation

What We Do

Emergency Relief

Providing urgent aid, such as food, water, shelter, and medical care, to those in displacement camps who are in dire need.

Raising Awareness

One of the main goals of the association is to raise awareness of the situation faced by the Fur people in Sudan and in refugee camps. The association works to educate about the challenges faced by the Fur people, including displacement, violence, and cultural assimilation.

Building Community

we provide Supporting access to education, vocational training, and entrepreneurship opportunities to help the Fur community gain financial stability.

How Does It Work?

Our association has a unique history, and it all began with a group of individuals who shared a common passion for promoting and protecting the Fur community. We believe that every person has the right to live a life free from violence, displacement, and cultural assimilation. Our association is committed to providing support and assistance to the Fur people, both in Norway and abroad, to help them thrive and preserve their culture.
